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Publisher: Rip Off Press
Title: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Humor
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: March 1972
Country: United States
The Freak Brothers go to break Country Cowfreak out of jail.; The army accidentally pays Dopin' Dan an extra $300 on his paycheck so he buys a pound of weed.; Doctor Dope tries to help some hippies.; The Freak Brother is not as paranoid as he thought.; The Freak Brothers pick up a hitch hiker.; A Freak Brother gets a job as a waiter.; The Freak Brothers sell their car and buy a bicycle.; A Freak Brother has to go out and buy condoms.; The Freak Brothers have been evicted from their apartment.; Phineas Freak travels to Texas.; Phineas Freak drives thru the desert.; Phineas Freak arrives at his parents house.; Phineas Freak spends the night at his parents house.; Phineas Freak's father accidentally doses the John Birch Society with hallucinogenic drugs.; Fat Freddy disguises himself as a dog to fly as cargo to Cleveland.; Fat Freddy stops in a country bar, is thrown out, and then tries a biker bar.; Fat Freddy finds his parents house.; Fat Freddy learns his parents have fallen on hard times.; Franklin Freak hitchhikes to San Francisco.; Franklin Freak tosses his stash when the cop pull him over.; Franklin Freak finds out the driver that picked him up is smuggling a large quantity of Acapulco Gold.; Franklin Freak asks his ride what he plans to do with 150 kilos of dope.; Franklin Freak sells dope in San Francisco.; Franklin Freak sells all the dope.; Franklin Freak finds his long lost mother.; The Freak Brothers are reunited.; The roaches hold a rally.; A new drug called 'COP' is created.; Fat Freddy tries to teach his cat to use the toilet.; Fat Freddy's Cat hasn't seen a cockroach in weeks.; Fat Freddy's Cat gets the roaches to help him get the tuna spread.; Fat Freddy's Cat can't find the liter box.; Fat Freddy gives his cat a bath.; Fat Freddy feeds his cat dog food.; Fat Freddy bought catnip instead of marijuana.; Fat Freddy's cat sprays his typewriter.; Fat Freddy's cat beats up a dog.; Fat Freddy's cat looks for a handout.; Fat Freddy's cat doesn't know where fish come from.; Fat Freddy's Cat tries to eat out of a garbage can.; Fat Freddy's Cat mistakes a squirrel for a rat.; Fat Freddy's Cat sneaks into the back of a restaurant and almost becomes dinner.; Fat Freddy's Cat learns about the dogcatcher.; Fat Freddy's Cat finds a warm place to sleep.; Fat Freddy's Cat takes a nap in a laundromat.; Fat Freddy gets a new cat.