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Publisher: DC
Title: The Flash
Page Count: 100
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD
Cover Date: March 1975
Country: United States
When Green Lantern exceeds the speed of light he crashes on the extra-dimensional planet of Spectar. The aliens there brainwash him and send him to Earth to capture the Flash.; The Myrmitons return to Earth and unleash Bio-X. Flash and Kid Flash team up to stop the threat. Stacy Conwell comes to visit Barry and Iris Allen and it is learned that her father's last wish was for her to stay with the Allens while she is attending college.; Professor Lexon tries to kill Jay Garrick and Dr. Maria Flura to prevent anyone from discovering his new invention.; After a fire destroys the entire print run of the hit comic, 8th Wonder, Johnny Quick redraws, inks, letters, engraves the plates, prints the entire comic using a handpress and then paints the colors into every single copy by hand in one night.; When James Lawton is released from jail he takes revenge on those who put him in jail by using his new psi-helmet.; Flash tells the reader information about Kid Flash.