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Publisher: Marvel
Title: The Infinity War
Page Count: 54
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 2.95 CAD; 1.65 GBP
Cover Date: June 1992
Country: United States
Thanos is alerted to a new threat that is taking shape in the universe. He discovers that Eternity is in a coma from an unknown power source. Thanos runs across the lair of the Magus where he is entertained by the villain and a doppelganger of himself. Thanos leaves. Back on earth, a select group of heroes are attacked by demonic versions of themselves. Mr. Fantastic contacts earth's super groups to fill them in on this new danger. Dr. Doom also discovers this new and dangerous power and takes Kang as an ally. Thanos arrives on Monster Isle to tell the Infinity Watch what he has discovered.