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Publisher: Innovation
Title: The Justice Machine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 2.25 USD
Cover Date: April 1991
Country: United States
It’s all out war as the Oyabun’s superhuman warriors try to take out the Justice Machine. Meanwhile, Demon adopts his first costume and makes a deal with Maxinor. Maxinor teleports Lt. Duvat, Diviner, Blazer, and Garrison to a U.S. hospital, then takes Youthquake back to Georwell forever. Demon then teleports Titan, Talisman and Challenger the same way, leaving only him to defeat the Oyabun’s hordes. The Oyabun himself dies horribly after being poisoned by one of his slaves. The Machine -- without Demon-- then gathers together to meet Blazer’s daughter, Tessei Conrad Maxinor.