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Publisher: Marvel
Title: The Savage Sword of Conan
Page Count: 68
Genre: Sword And Sorcery
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 2.25 USD
Cover Date: June 1991
Country: United States
In a distant past, King Kull of Valusia vanquished the evil wizard Ohris Dehjmal and scattered his remains over the world so that he would not rise again. Eight thousand years later, the Aquilonian nobleman Quintus Scaria uncovers Ohris Dehjmal's remains and resurrects the magician. The only body part missing is a hand, which is now a part of the treasures of Elophistus, the king of thieves in the city of Larsha. Elophistus employs Conan, who eventually is the one who ends Ohris Dehjmal's unholy life.