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Publisher: Charlton
Title: The Thing
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1953
Country: United States
A young couple is forced to spend the night at a ghoulish witch's house. The witch's evil plans are thwarted, but not like in the fairy tale.; Pearl diver Craig Mandeville starts robbing pearls from natives until they trick him and send him underwater to meet his deserved fate in the form of a giant octopus.; An arctic military expedition stumbles upon a primeval monster living under the ice and is killed instantly.; The gambler Leslie Carter kills the caretaker of his fortune to get his hands on all the money. But he's haunted by his victim's ghostly apparition and takes a deadly dive down a staircase.; A professor tries out an encantation from the infamous "Necronomicon". His daughter rushes in - to find only a man's remains.