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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Thunderbolts
Page Count: 40
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2017
UPC: 75960608360201011
Country: United States
The Masters of Evil invade the Thunderbolts' base and Zemo offers them a chance to join him in his latest plot. Kobik escapes with Winter Soldier while Songbird and MACH-10 flee but Fixer and Moonstone agree to rejoin Zemo. Bucky awakens to find Kobik has apparently sent him back into his teenage body during World War II.; Atlas is ambushed outside the Thunderbolts' base by a new team of the Masters of Evil, led by Baron Zemo. Jolt returns from Counter-Earth just in time to rescue Atlas and escape the Masters as they prepare to invade the Thunderbolts' base.