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Publisher: Dell
Title: Walt Disney's Christmas Parade
Page Count: 132
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: November 1950
Country: United States
Donald promises to buy the nephews what they want for Christmas--a spectacular building set--if they can guess what he wants for Christmas. As they try to guess, Donald's friends and relatives become involved, and each independently decides to buy Donald a new car to replace his worn-out jalopy. They also buy the nephews building sets. Finally, the nephews guess correctly that Donald wants a new car for Christmas.; Ambrose joins up with Dirty Bill, wanted by the police, in the hope to become a bold bandit.; The Big Bad Wolf tricks Brer Bear into paying him money for running around the world in two minutes. He then tries to fool Practical Pig with a fake wishing well.; Goofy is left a mine by his uncle.; Gus Goose is struck by lightning during a storm and becomes temporarily charged with electricity.; Donald attempts to cut down Chip 'n' Dale's tree.; Minnie makes a sweater for Pluto for Christmas that he doesn't like.; Visiting Cinderella.; Mickey and Goofy have set up a plant clinic. Their first "patient" is an amorphous rubber to which it is necessary to restore its vitality. However, the treatment seems more effective than expected and the plant becomes very invasive.; While on an errand for Mickey to the post office, Pluto get covered in stamps.