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Publisher: Dell
Title: Walter Lantz New Funnies
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1954
Country: United States
Woody and Knothead and Splinter go to Shiver Valley where Woody plans to go into business. However, changeable weather keeps Woody ordering different items that quickly become obsolete.; Andy and Charlie go into Indian country to take photographs of cliff-dwellings and run into a crook using the dwellings as a hide-out.; A cat wanders into an atomic testing laboratory and escapes. A reward of $500 is offered for the cat and Oswald and Floyd and Lloyd catch a number of stray cats, none of which is the one wanted.; Homer's homing instinct is affected by a cold. Red Cardinal gives him a radio-equipped pilot's helmet to let him follow the radio signal. Meanwhile the police are hunting a gang of desperadoes and their radio messages are flooding the airwaves, causing Homer to miss the homing beam. He gets caught in a storm and accidentally leads the police to the gang's hideout.; Woody and Buzz both apply for a job as a messenger. They are told to return the next morning. That night Buzz fakes a phone call from the messenger service and tells Woody to deliver a dozen eggs to Piker's Peak.; Having discovered Charlie has an IQ of zero, Prof. Gerbeever decides to develop Charlie's talents and make a genius of him.; Woody checks Wally's home for termites by pecking holes in the floors.; Floyd and Lloyd use a record player when they go caroling.