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Publisher: Marvel
Title: What If? Iron Man: Demon in an Armor
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: December 2010
UPC: 75960607340500111
Country: United States
Brash, rich Tony Stark becomes college roommates with dour, destitute Victor Von Doom. Due to their scientific interest, the two become unlikely friends. Victor has Tony help him with an experiment in telekenetics but this is really a ploy to switch bodies with his wealthy friend. Von Doom as Stark takes over the family business and becomes powerful. Tony as Von Doom returns to Latveria with his memories erased but works his way up to become equally powerful. Both create sets of armor for entirely different purposes but clash in conflict when Iron Man becomes jealous of Dr. Doom's success.; Welcome to Earth 615.9--the coolest Marvel Universe; Deadpool is hired by Galactus to kill the Beyonder for playing a practical joke and attaching M.O.D.O.K.'s head to the world eater's butt. DP finds the Beyonder up to his leisure suit in booze and broads and prepares to take his foe down. Unfortunately, he falls under the hypnotic spell of the Beyonder's cosmic jheri curls and ends up joining the fun. When Spider-Man attacks the partying pair, the black symbiotic suit he is wearing takes DP's new hairdo as its host, making 'Pool ultra-powerful (and leaving poor Petey completely naked).

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