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Publisher: Fox
Title: Wonderworld Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Crime, Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1939
Country: United States
The Flame has to deal with the wanton killing and robberies staged by a group of weird, spectral creatures called the Kikoo, which came from an island where the government leaders hid them out because of their inferior minds. Unfortunately, led by an evil influence, they are capable of extreme violence, as the Flame discovers.; While traveling through the moors outside London, Yarko comes across a man who has been murdered. Stranger still is a weird scientist who practices voodoo and has a group of beast-men under his personal control.; After the death of a Mr. Byron, Dr. Fung and his assistant pull a false maneuover against Khan Gen-Kee in order to secure evidence that Gen-Kee is responsible.