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Publisher: IPC
Title: 2000 AD
Page Count: 32
Genre: Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.09 GBP
Cover Date: January 1978
Country: United Kingdom
After his failure to capture Carmody, and almost dying in the Oxygen Desert, Dredd hands in his badge and gets a job as a street sweeper. But it's only a ruse to lure Carmody out of hiding, enabling Dredd to capture him.; Frank breaks into a beauty salon and almost fries his insides when he tries to give himself a tan with a solar lamp. He makes do instead with cosmetics to cover his face and hands, but these start to come off as he queues in a bank the next day, causing panic and terror amongst the staff and customers.; Savage suspects there is a Volg spy aboard ship. Silk takes the night watch and goes to investigate a figure with a light at the top of the mast. Figure is crewman Carter, likewise investigating the light. Both men are surprised by Georgia, who kills them, then tells Savage that Silk died fighting the spy.; Pearly's first attempt on Giant's life fails, so she follows him to sick-bay as the game continues. Brain senses something is wrong and comes charging in just as Pearly is about to finish the unconscious Giant.; As the Starslayers board his ship, Dare and Bear suit-up and take the battle out into space.