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Publisher: IPC
Title: 2000 AD
Page Count: 32
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.09 GBP
Cover Date: May 1978
Country: United Kingdom
Dredd and Rotten chance upon the town of Deliverance, where two citizens are about to become victims of mob law. Dredd, thinking Rotten has his back, rides to the rescue but is captured as Rotten disappears. It appears the citizens are to be victims of mutated flying rats which plague the town. As Dredd stews in jail, a swarm descends.; Sharpe sets a trap for the aliens using the unsuspecting Fred as bait. Stroud is imprisoned to prevent him interfering, but he escapes and arrives at the landing site just as things start to happen.; Philadelphia Freaks Flier Dimples Devine is murdered by Chubb and replaced by lookalike Gruber, who's mission is to kill John Clay.; Aliens wipe the crew's memory of having discovered their planet and return them to space.; Colonists struggle to survive after their ship crash-lands on an inhospitable planet.