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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD; 0.15 CAD
Cover Date: November 1940
Country: United States
In midsummer, the city of Metropolis is caught in the midst of a bitter snowstorm. As Clark investigates, a message from Laura Vogel comes over the radio, telling Superman to meet her in Park Ferry since she can explain the snowstorm. Before Superman arrives, some foreigners use a glowing globe to disintegrate a girl and a policeman. Superman gets there in time to save Lois from the same fate, but the Arabs get away.; Regan of police headquarters asks Zatara for help in a case where wealthy men are killed by the "mottled death." Zatara deduces that it was from the bite of an insect, a South American jungle jumbo. Shortly, he finds out that the Tigress is involved. He follows her and a magician named only The Master to South America.; At dinner, Tex, Bob, the D.A., and Peggy discuss Miss X. Maloney learns that racketeers beat up a wholesaler that refused to pay protection money, and Tex and Bob head out to help.; Pep is the only hope for victory for the Hill-and-Dalers, Midtown College's cross-country team, but Norman of State beats him. The Coach convinces Pep to beat the jinx that Norman holds over him.; Will reads about the loss of airman Bill Decortland over the South American jungles. The Aces go to the Amazon to track him down.; Clip Carson is in Hollywood, supervising the production of adventure pictures, and he's asked to do an interview for Pierre Renoire of Le Clarion d'Algiers. Clip reminds him of someone, but he's needed on the set. Renoire disguises his assistant, Rudolf, to look like him and sends him to the set, where Mare Temperal is found dead, apparently electrocuted. Clip investigates when he visits Renoire but is denied entry into his home.; The Black Pirate and his band desperately try to hold off the Red-Raiders at a stockade on a small island in the South Atlantic. After the stockade is burnt down, Jon Valor attempts to get to his ship, but it has been taken by Captain Treble, who takes Jon prisoner.

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