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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.65 CAD
Cover Date: March 2007
UPC: 76194120001984711
Country: United States
Jonathan Kent is up in the middle of the night, trying to make coffee, even though he's not supposed to be having caffeine. Martha catches him, and together they worry about Clark, who has gone missing in the Last Son storyline. Jonathan remembers back to a time that he and Clark snuck away, and went to the fortress. Superman made a spaceship, and they took off to do some sightseeing. They received a distress signal; a star system was being threatened by a Sun-Eater. Superman found an alien fighter, trying to take a bomb to the Sun-Eater, but it got disabled. He took the bomb, and despite being bombarded with red sun radiation, carried it into the Sun-Eater, and detonated it. Exhausted, Superman couldn't out fly the explosion, but Jonathan caught up to him in the spaceship, and they escaped. They then returned to Earth, caught some fish as a cover story, and returned home. Jonathan tells Martha that they must never underestimate their son, no matter what the odds, and they go back to bed.