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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.65 CAD
Cover Date: November 2007
UPC: 76194120001985911
Country: United States
In the 31st century, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl dig their way into the Batcave, looking for evidence that Krypton existed. The new Justice League, rejected Legion applicants, find them and fight, overcoming them. Superman is briefed by his Legion colleagues and discovers what's been going on. Earth-Man, the leader of the Justice League, imprisons the newly-captured Legionnaires, and absorbs their powers, revealing that he has many more Legionnaires held in stasis. Superman wants to track down Brainiac 5, and his team goes to an alien holding camp to do so.