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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2009
UPC: 76194120001987411
Country: United States
On New Krypton, Superman attacks Zod, but is subdued by his soldiers. Zod tells Superman that his motives have changed, now that he has fellow Kryptonians on New Krypton. Alura invites Superman to renounce Earth and stay on New Krypton. Superman says he'll think about it. And he does, taking Lois to the Fortress, pondering what Zod is up to. While there, he hears Mon-El pleading from the Phantom Zone, as it is collapsing around him. He pleads for Superman to release him, knowing that he'll die from lead poisoning if released. Superman reluctantly releases him.; Former Guardian Scar is observing the Guardian (Jim Harper's clone), as he warns the Science Police that Toyman always has a surprise for Metropolis on his birthday, even when in prison. Sure enough, miniature P38 Lightnings start strafing the city, and a giant teddy bear is firing explosive blasts. The team deals with the threats, as Harper reminisces. Scar then peeks into Harper's future, seeing his fears realized and other emotions with the situations to come.

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