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Publisher: DC
Title: Adventure Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1955
Country: United States
Superboy rescues Prof. Lang from a big gorilla and captures it for an exhibition. But a canny crook notices the gorilla's eyes flash during lightning flashes, so deduces it has x-ray vision. They steal the gorilla to burn through walls and safes. Superboy can't stop it because he's weakened by the glare. Lang reveals it drank kryptonite-infused water in Africa. Superboy finally builds a giant battery to "defuse" the gorilla, and the effect wears off.; Aquaman rescues a barge crew, but the amusement rides for kids are sunk. Aquaman reproduces carnival rides with an octopus-whip, whale-Virginia Reel, eagle-and-blowfish parachute jump, even a roller coaster with giant clam shells and a shipwreck!; Prominent men with names like "Car King" and "Knight Hunter" are kidnapped, and thugs finally pinch Oliver "Queen". A chess genius uses them for a human chess game - as crooks hold guns. Speedy breaks in, he and Oliver fake a fight. Oliver shoots a fountain-pen arrow to black out cameras. They reveal the "chess genius" is an impostor who held is brother hostage to steal his fortune. The faker didn't twirl his mustache while contemplating a chess move!