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Publisher: DC
Title: All-American Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1941
Country: United States
Twice while carrying plans for an experimental radio tower, Irene Miller is jumped by thieves but saved by cab driver Doiby Dickles. When Alan Scott hears about this, he thanks Doiby personally as Green Lantern. Later, Alan overhears a man named Barton offer to buy Apex and begins to suspect that he may be the one after the plans. While Green Lantern handles Barton's attempts at sabotage, Doiby dresses in a Green Lantern costume to save Irene, who Barton has taken hostage, but receives a last minute helping hand from the real GL.; Sargon helps to retrieve a valuable statue and its ruby that was stolen from the Whitestone Museum.; The murder of Jack Gillian by "Gallows" Gallagher mystifies Dr. McNider, knowing that Gallagher is in State Prison. So the Man of Night busts Gallagher out of prison and learns that he is in reality the brother of the criminal, and that the real Gallagher is in cahoots with the crooked Warden of the prison.