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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Flash
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1946
Country: United States
Shrimp Coogan has a remarkable ability: a silver plate put in his head picks up the electrical vibrations of the human brain, as it thinks and connects them with the motor controls of a person's speech. Although he can't read people's thoughts, he can speak them, a situation the Scarlet Speedster finds difficult to overcome.; The Three Dimwits have a difficult time with a practical joker living at their boarding house, who is in reality a big boss of crime. Jay Garrick decides to take up residence at the boarding house to uncover him, but he must deal with an unexpected complication: Mrs. Bramley is falling in love with him!; The Flash becomes involved in a case involving "Chef" Dolan, who works in a bakery where the Three Dimwits also have jobs. The Chef is placing plans for crimes into certain pies, but, unfortunately for Dolan, he forgets what pie he put the plans into.