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Publisher: DC
Title: All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 4.00 CAD
Cover Date: December 2005
UPC: 76194124658100311
Country: United States
"Black Canary" is a bartender in a bar with the same name. She endures come-ons and one-liners from her patrons, with a shorter and shorter fuse. Finally she explodes after one patron feels up her rear end, and knocks out everyone in the whole bar. Her boss comes out of a back office, catching her robbing the unconscious patrons. She resigns, and then kicks him through a window when he calls her a name she had been enduring all night. After thinking about Batman, she steals a motorcycle, and takes off. Meanwhile, Batman and Dick Grayson are still in the air in the Batmobile, and dive underwater, where it becomes a submarine. Finally, Clark Kent sees on a milk carton that Dick Grayson is missing, then reads in the Daily Planet the details. He then gets angry, burns the paper, and changes to Superman.