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Publisher: DC
Title: All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.65 CAD
Cover Date: February 2008
UPC: 76194124658100911
Country: United States
Batman and Green Lantern confront each other at one of Batman's safe houses. Batman's had Robin paint everything in it yellow, including themselves, so Green Lantern's ring can't operate on any of it. Green Lantern confronts Batman over the missing Dick Grayson, saying Batman kidnapped him and made him into Robin. Batman notes that Grayson was just "found", and held a news conference the day before. Green Lantern finally gives up on the discussion, and starts to leave, but then is told his ring is missing, and Robin has it. Green Lantern tries to retrieve it, and spars with Robin. Robin toys with him, and finally performs a fatal move on him, crushing his windpipe. Batman sees that, throws Robin out of the way, and performs an emergency tracheotomy on GL to save his life, revealing his identity in the process. They stay until the ambulance arrives. The incident has shaken up both of them. Batman realizes he has rushed things with Robin. He had years to train and perfect himself; Robin has not. He's had years to grieve the loss of his parents; Robin hasn't even had time to start. Batman decides to rectify that, takes him to a graveyard, and tells him to find his parents. Robin does, and they both mourn.