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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1942
Country: United States
Hawkman makes his way to an occupied city in France and meets up with a willing, but skeptical underground force. However, after a good meal, they tell the Feathered Fury about the man they call "The Sly One," who fearlessly fights the Germans, but has been captured by them. Hawkman and the underground take on the Nazis in order to free him, and Hawk promises them more food will be delivered in a dud bomb marked with an "X".; Starman is headed for Poland, conquered already by the Nazis, but a nation not willing to entirely give up. He spots an ancient order of Poles called the Bowman of Mons, who at once think he is an enemy, but a good meal changes their minds. Starman volunteers to help the group free their imprisoned peoples, capture guns and weapons, and aid in the world-wide fight for freedom. Starman disguises himself as an informer and gives the Nazis a "secret code" to decipher copnsisting of pro baseball players batting averages. After mopping up the Nazis, Starman promises more food dropped by parachute.; The Atom arrives in Holland in disguise and helps wreck a small convoy of German vehicles, although he quickly captured and thrown into jail. Changing to his fighting togs, he bends the bars and escapes, soon meeting up with a young Dutch boy, whom he feeds along with many others. After dinner, the young boy shows the Atom Nazi artillery shells they have built, hollowed out, in which are encased maps of the locations of German secret hangers. They fire some shells where the R.A.F. can get hold of them and they arrive to bomb the hangers.; Hitler is having tea leaves read which indicate a visit soon by Doctor Fate. Fate arrives in the middle of a concentration camp to secretly feed the prisoners, and then shows the prisoners how to commit sabotage against the Germans without their knowledge by mixing sand with gunpowder in their artillery shells.; Dr. Mid-Nite and Hooty head for Norway, having the name of the underground leader in his possession. Upon arriving at his house, a young lady nervously tells him that the man isn't home, but the good doctor is not to be denied. After feeding the pair, the man shows Dr. Mid-Nite a special gun he has invented to fight submarines. Dr. Mid-Nite then aids he and his men in blowing up some German ammunition.; The Ghostly Guardian soon arrives in Belgium near a hidden Nazi airplane hanger, noting the capture of some members of the underground. He quickly frees them, feeds them and marks a path for Allied bombers to come in and destroy the hangers.; Johnny arrives in Czechoslovakia and immediately feeds members of the Czech underground. Unfortunately, a German soldier sees what is happening and Johnny asks the Thunderbolt to eliminate him. That done, Johnny secures the plans the Germans have drawn up and deals with their plan in a most unusual manner.; The Sandman and Sandy are sent to Greece, and the German commander dreams about them coming and disrupting their operation. The duo help destroy some Nazi equipment, then claim that they are turning Nazi as a ruse to further learn more of the Nazi agenda, then they crush it!; Chairman Hawkman announces to the members that two things must be accomplished quickly: 1) the freedom-loving peoples of Europe must be fed, and 2) this must be done without the knowledge of the Nazis. To accomplish this feat, Hawkman has created tiny food capsules that, once treated with a special solution, become complete dinners. Each member is to carry these capsules to a different European nation.; One by one the different members show up to file their reports with Hawkman...all except Johnny, who was so busy that he didn't have time to eat himself. So he grabs a handful of the capsules and downs them all at once, with distressing results!

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