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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1942
Country: United States
Hawkman is working on a strange case concerning men who disappear after being touched. Tracking down clues after seeing a man murdered and the killer disappearing in a flash of light, he discovers a man named Big Tiny, who may have knowledge about what is happening. Tiny, however, thinks the Feathered Fury is an agent of "The Brain Wave," but Hawkman convinces him otherwise and takes him into custody, then heads out to Sharktooth Bay and the tower in which Brain Wave resides.; Dr. Mid-Nite, Hooty and an amateur sculptor are mystified by statutes that come to life, but soon learn through crook "Hunky" Pollak that the Brain Wave is using his uncanny abilities to materialize thought images.; After setting a record for the lowest score on the Naval Officer Candidate School exam, Johnny begins looking into the Morrison Museum, a supposedly public museum that avoids paying taxes like the private museum it really is. In reality, the museum serves as a warehouse for stolen loot and when brother John investigates, the statues of Caesar and others come to life before his eyes. The Thunderbolt puts an end to this, but is also mystified about the sudden disappearance of the ghostly figures. Further investigation uncovers the stolen gems, and the criminals behind the plot are apprehended.; Johnny Spartan, big-league ball player, was once hit by a pitch and has been plate-shy since. A shifty-eyed man approaches and tells Johnny that he has the cure for this problem. It's cured all right, but at crucial times in the game, Johnny doesn't make sure plays, and the Atom confronts him. He discovers that, by Johnny not making plays, a gambler is making money. Atom makes quick work of the guy.; Wealthy men across the nation begin to suffer nightmares concerning the Sandman, perhaps brought on by guilty consciences. They dream that the Sandman was actually blackmailing them, and then fading away! One night, however, Sandman appears before Wesley Dodds and Sandy Hawkins, and the pair don their costumes to investigate what the true situation is and put an end to this vicious blackmailing racket.; Edwin Ackerman is beset each night by phantoms that keep him awake. One day he decides he'll get sleep, no matter what, but is once again is awakened by three strange little people that are seen even by Starman, who learns the man is working on atomic energy and the little imps are begging him to stop the project. Ackerman tells Starman of a kid he knew growing up named of Henry King, who had the ability to "create" his own friends. Seeing a connection with that person and the dreams, Starman learns about the Brain Wave and decides to head to Sharktooth Bay to confront him.; The Spectre interrupts robbery by confronting the felons, who then disappear in a puff of smoke. He later learns of more phantom burglaries, connects it with findings made by the Psychic Research Society in Boston, and puts an end to the phantom and real-life crooks before heading to the lonely tower at Sharktooth Bay...home of the Brain Wave!; "Fan" Gregory, racketeer, had made quite a life for himself in the rackets until the very men he had murdered began appearing to him, and he vowed to go straight. But there are others who want to use his services, but he doesn't knuckle under to the pressure, but goes instead to the lonely tower of Dr. Fate to seek assistance. Fate promises help and delivers.; At Sharktooth Bay, a strange figure called the Brain Wave oversees the inert forms of the JSA members. He thinks back to the time that he learned the ability to materialize people out of thin air. Unfortunately, he was only motivated by money, and that led him to a life of crime. Then he sees Wonder Woman and the girlfriends in their uniformns, and decides to use mental images of their boyfriends against them, and are captured. Brain Wave attempts to gas them all, Wonder Woman breaks her fetters and breaks out of their prison just in time to see the Brain Wave jump to his death from the tower.; Every member of the JSA miss their reguarly scheduled meeting, leaving Wonder Woman with only letters from each member stating that they hate to miss, but they are working on very important cases. So, the Princess gathers together the girlfriends of the members and has them costume themselves as their boyfriend's heroic identity, then head out to capture the man behind the crisis.

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