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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1945
Country: United States
The Hawk and Dick arrive in 1410, where Dick, as a member of the Teutonic Knights, discovers a maid in trouble and helps her, a fact that puzzles her since she is Polish, who are hated by the Germans. He explains that his culture is the right one, but, later, changes his mind when he sees his fellow Knights wanting to slaughter the Poles. He is banished, saved by Wanda, then teaches the Poles how to defeat the Knights, and the battle is won (with a little help of the Feathered Fury!). Then Dick is pulled into another era by Mr. Terrific, where Amber will now be known as Manfred von Klug.; G.L. and Flash enter JSA HQ and are welcomed back, then Hawk tells the group about Dick Amber, who is about to be drafted, and who can't see why the U.S. should be fighting Germany. Dick is told by various members the history of the German people and their attitude toward peace. That doesn't sway him until the Conscience of Man re-awakens and appears at the meeting, and tells them all that she will send Dick back through varied times of Germany's past to see for himself. A JSA member will go along, but cannot interfer, as Dick alone must make up his mind.; In 1740, Manfred's cousin becomes Emperor Frederick II, and Manfred the trainer of his armies. The Emperor says he will convince the German people that other nations are plotting against Germany, giving him the right to crush them. Manfred voices his concerns, but goes ahead with the Emperor's plans. Later, as a General, he decides that he will no longer follow the Emperor's mad schemes. But Elva betrays her husband. Fortunately, Mr. Terrific lends a hand mopping up the Emperor's hit squad just before Dr. Mid-Nite shows up to take Dick Amber to yet another era of Germany's history.; In 1824 Dick becomes Wilhelm von Shurtleff, who attends a war academy to become an officer, and meets Fritz Underwurtz in dueling class, who thinks that obtaining a dueling scar is the true mark of a Prussian officer. Wilhelm thinks something is wrong with a German who glories in the disfigurement of someone. At the academy ball, Wilhelm's friend Kurt, distraught over not having a scar, commits suicide, and Wilhelm out-duels Fritz before Dr. Mid-Nite intervenes to protect Dick. Then The Atom appears to whisk him away to yet another era, where he becomes Helmut von Conrad.; Dick appears in 1872 in Prussia as Helmut and finds himself holding a gun on Otto von Bismarck, calling him a liar and a cheat, reminding von Bismarck that he is his official aide, and believed the stories he was told about France's treachery towards Germany. Now privy to state secrets, Helmut learns that the supposed treachery was a lie and calls Bismarck on it. The Atom helps overcome the danger to Dick Amber, who now realizes that, if Germany continues on this course, the world will one day rise up against her. Wildcat shows up to take Dick Amber on to his next rendevouz, as Franz Unger.; Germany, 1896, and Franz Unger studies chemistry in a lab because his fanatical father is forcing his son to become an officer in the chemical division of the Army. An escaped prisoner, who dared to disagree with the principles of the Pan-Germanic League, reaches the house. Mr. Unger wants to kill him, but Franz forges a document, and frees the man. Wildcat notices that Franz's father has sent men out to follow Franz, and takes care of the problem before they can harm Dick, who Johnny Thunder now takes away to the final era in Germany history, where Amber is known as Karl Wertz.; Karl and Johnny in the Berlin of 1923, where he remembers that he is a veteran of WW I and was an aviator that slaughtered people without mercy. Now the Nazis are already talking about the next war. August saves Karl from the German Police, but later, when Karl discovers that a razor factory is making weapons, August is ready to kill him. But Johnny and the Thunderbolt show up and make quick work of August and his thugs, then Johnny escorts Dick Amber back to the present time at JSA HQ.; Conscience asks Dick if his views are now changed after all of his experiences, and he confesses he has finally learned the truth about German war-mongering, and that it must be stopped for the good of the world! Therefore he will enter the Army. Conscience tells the members that they have a responsibility to now inform the world of the truth learned by Dick Amber. And their solution is the "Formula For a Lasting Peace," which was signed by all the regular members of the JSA and Wonder Woman, Secretary.