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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1947
Country: United States
Johnny Thunder, mad because the Wizard didn't give him a case to work on, is complaining to Wonder Woman when the JSA arrives. From a vase of flowers appears the Wizard, who once again charges the JSA with being master criminals. He explains his background as a gunman who went to Tibet to study magic arts and taught himself the black arts, and now they are under his post-hypnotic influence and are aboard his ship. Sending grotesque creatures at them, a blackout bomb makes them all disappear as does the Wizard: into a vat of acid. Still, the Flash muses: is the Wizard really gone?; At JSA HQ, the members read an offer from a Mr. W.I.Zard: $1 million in cash as a reward for their battle against crime. They cannot accept the money, but realize that the money would be a tempting target for a new criminal called the Wizard! Then their HQ turns into a boat, taking them to the Wizard's abode, where he states that, since they refused the reward, they must be criminals plotting a major crime, and he wants to be a part of it. When the JSA refuses, he gives them a list of five crimes he's planned and challenges them to stop them, lest their reputation be impuned.; Hawkman heads to the Eberley Mansion to protect Mrs. Eberley's diamond necklace and arrives as the Wizard's minions strike with a gas tha knocks all the people out. Hawk bowls over the two "waiters", then the Wizard appears, taunting the Feathered Fury that he's really a crook. Then the Wizard throws a powder at Hawkman, who is transported to a world of ice. Hawkman uses his wings as protection from the cold, and burns a few feathers to keep warm. The fire melts the ice, then he suddenly finds himself back at the mansion, nabs the two waiters, and recovers the loot.; Dr. Mid-Nite stops the efforts of a crook named Mollon to have he and his gang simutaneously cash checks for $50,000 each in a bank where Mollon had deposited $50 grand, and thereby walk out with $200,000! Before they can leave, the Man of Night takes them on. Suddenly, floating paper forms into The Wizard, and then he motions at a pair of cutlasses on the wall, which fly off and pin the Man of Night's cape to a door, after which they change into ropes, which binds him. Dr. Mid-Nite is then thrown into the bay to drown, but he gets loose and captures the thugs.; Two safe-crackers plan steal a valuable formula from an engineering lab, and as they do so, the Flash whizzes on the scene and stops them. But the Wizard appears, telling the Flash he's as crooked as the thugs he's stopped, places him in a glass cyclinder and into a giant oven to die. As they loot the safe's formula, the Flash rotates inside his glass enclosure, stamps down, forcing the tube to violently exit the oven. He chases after the car the thugs fled in and pushes the car fast enough to cause it to disintegrate. He takes them to jail, returns the formula and returns to HQ.; The Wizard's gang of thugs hijacks a valuable cargo of platinum fox furs near a drawbridge, but the Atom swings down from a plane to intercept them. Unfortunately, the Wizard appears, binds the Atom, and swings him over the edge of the drawbridge, intending to sever him in two. The Mighty Mite twists his body at the last moment, and the bridge severs his ropes, then the Atom rounds up the thugs and locks them in the truck with the furs.; As a Mr. Farnsworth plays with his model trains, when several men enter the room and want to see the special electronic switch he has invented. Green Lantern enters as the thugs attempt to steal the switch, which suddenly a model train rolls by with the Wizard iside. He shrinks the Green Gladiator in size, whose power ring falls off, and places him tied on a ralroad track with a train bearing down on him. The ring makes contact with G.L., who uses it to stop the train and restore him to proper size. He then stops the thugs and recovers the switch.

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