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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1947
Country: United States
The Police are stunned and mystified with five separate crimes, each resulting in a death, and each being blamed on (by the suspects) by infamous villain in history. All the suspects are quickly tried, convicted and sentenced to death. To make matters worse, when six members of the JSA investigate, they are actually killed by the villains blamed for the other crimes! A dying Johnny Thunder sends his companion, the Black Canary, to JSA HQ to report all that has gone on to Wonder Woman.; As Wonder Woman sits alone in JSA HQ wondering what has happened to the All-Stars, Black Canary enters and tells the Amazon Maiden what has happened to Johnny. Wonder Woman leaves and collects the corpses of the JSA members, and takes them back to HQ. Then, she and the Canary fly them to Paula's secret lab and bring them back to life again with the Purple Ray, after which the members dash to the wax museum, looking for the villains. Realizing they are only wax, they are perplexed. However, Black Canary, after listening to GL's incident, figures out a way to capture the true villain.; Soon after, a newspaper, the Globe Telegraph, announces that the JSA has caught the true killers who masqueraded as the ancient villains, and shows a picture as proof! Naturally, the "real villains" are purplexed...and, as each of the JSA members goes after the real villain involved at the scene of each crime, and overcome them, each villain breaks apart, proving only to be wax dummies! Simultaneously, as the figures break apart, they explode, knocking the JSA members unconscious.; The JSA awake to find themselves bound inside a huge wax vat in the basement of the museum, with hot wax raining down on them. As they look up, the evil villains are standing and gloating over their demise, when suddenly only one of them unmasks (Attila), revealing the security guard of the museum, who tells them that he had impersonated ALL of the villains. Why? Because the JSA dared to insult them, and thereby insulted him! Suddenly Lucrezia Borgia appears, catching the guard off guard, but her wax mask melts, revealing the Black Canary. She frees the JSA, the guard dies in the wax vat.

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