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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1950
Country: United States
The Masked One and his Cavaliers are livid because the Sultan refuses to declare war, so he plans a trap that the Atom and Dr. Mid-Nite manage to foil the attempt and capture him...but he vanishes. Meanwhile, in the U.S., citizens are being mentally bombarded to force their Congressmen to declare war. So G.L. goes to Washington D.C. to battle Mr. Crown and his Swordmen, but, again, the villain vanishes into thin air. Back in Civic City, the JSA meets Professor Matthews, and all return to Africa to face the Four Kings for a final time, and thwart their launching of atomic missiles.; Hawkman and Wonder Woman stop Mr. Prince from forcing a South America leader to declare war through mental influence, then convince the Blue Shirts that they are being duped by a king of an ancient super race. Hawkman and Wonder Woman try to apprehend the villain, who mysteriously vanishes before their eyes. Meanwhile, Mr. Monarch is hard at work in southeastern Europe trying to get the leader to declare war, but he refuses, so the new Gladiator Party of Monarch goes on a rampage until Black Canary and the Flash reveal that Monarch is an ancient king. With that, Monarch suddenly vanishes.; The JSA have been missing for over a year with crime rampant and the threat of WW3 a possibility. The tale begins a year before when the JSA was summoned by Professor Matthews to Africa. From him they learn the story of four ancient kings of a super-race, and they follow the Professor to a cavern containing a vaccum glass case holding the kings in suspended animation. The case is broken, releasing them....but the king's mental commands put the JSA into a year-long sleep. Returning to Civic City, they read of four leaders of new war parties, so the JSA splits up to tackle them.

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