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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD
Cover Date: January 1982
UPC: 0271000696501
Country: United States
Veronica is going to talk to her dad about a new sportscar. At Veronica's house, Mr. Lodge keeps waiting for Archie to mess up, but he never does. Worried, he gets Veronica to ask Archie to leave. Angry, Archie stomps off and runs into Smithers, the Lodge's butler. Seeing the calamity, Mr. Lodge is at once relaxed, telling Veronica that if she wants to discuss her new sportscar, he'll be in his study. Overjoyed, Veronica rushes to a confused Archie and kisses him on the cheek. At the soda shop, Archie runs into a boy studying Einstein. The boy says that there's nothing more difficult than trying to understand Einstein's theories. Archie corrects him, saying "You're wrong! Have you ever tried to understand the Lodges?"; Archie sees a bruise on Veronica's neck. She says she got it from Reggie last night. Shocked, Archie yells at her. She tells Archie that he's a gentle kisser and that Reggie is a nice change of pace. Archie runs off and into Betty. She tells him the truth, a champagne cork hit her in the neck as Smithers tried to open it last night. Ecstatic, Archie kisses Betty, giving her a bruise! Veronica asks her about the hickey, but Betty just says "Would you believe I got hit by a champagne cork?"; Archie is wearing a Greek fisherman's cap, and Reggie asks him why he's wearing it. Archie says because it's his, and Reggie counters that it's not a Greek fisherman's hat then. Jughead arrives, and Archie asks him to tell Reggie how Archie got the cap. Jughead relates a story where a hitchhiking Greek fisherman left his cap in Archie's back seat. Archie pleads that he bought it in the store, telling Jughead and Reggie that they're in cahoots. Reggie says he was in Cahoots last summer for the Annual Crabgrass Festival. Frustrated, Archie stomps away, wandering by Betty and Veronica. He explains what happened, but both girls say that they like the cap and think it's cute. He explains that it's a Greek fisherman's cap. Veronica says that's too bad; she thought it was his cap. The girls giggle and continue to joke as Archie, exhausted, tosses the cap into a garbage can and walks off.; Archie tells his mom that he's going over to Betty's because something is wrong with her stereo. He arrives at Betty's and looks at the stereo, trying to sound impressive. He sees that it's not turned on, and Betty retorts that "Maybe not--but I am!" Meanwhile, Veronica calls Betty and gets Mrs. Cooper, who says that Betty's upstairs with Archie. Veronica's furious, but Betty's mom plays with her, saying that Archie's "tinkering with her turntable." The next day, Veronica sees Betty at school and asks about her turntable. Betty incenses Veronica, saying that Archie "does nice work" and that they "made beautiful music together!" Archie sees the now fuming Veronica and asks what's wrong. Unfortunately, Veronica responds with a book to Archie's head and storms off.; Li'l Jinx asks her dad how his golf game went. He says he got to hit the ball more times than anyone else.; Archie's teacher shows the class new biodegradable "Sooper-Dooper Cola" bottles. Archie, startled, says that Pop just spent three months building a ship model in one of them.; Archie tells his friend that his uncle fixed the bank's master computer by initiating a "pedal-induced shock wave that realigned the errant component." In other words, "He gave it a kick!"