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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1959
Country: United States
Archie wants to go ice-skating, but everyone wonders if Veronica will let him, making him feel hen-pecked.; Archie brags to Jughead and Reggie that he can get any girl to date him. Jughead randomly picks a name out of the phone book for a girl for Archie to date. Archie then goes to woo the young lady.; Mr. Lodge is given a crystal Christmas present that he hates, so Archie tries to "accidently" break it for him.; Archie agonizes over the cost of a Christmas present for his mother.; Reggie creates a scam involving ice-skating that backfires on him.; Archie goes shopping with Veronica and has to carry all of her Christmas packages.; Moose can't decide on a Christmas present for Archie.