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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Comics
Page Count:
Genre: Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1944
Country: United States
After being yelled at by Mr. Weatherbee, Archie is banned from the Halloween dance. Archie goes anyway because Mr. Weatherbee never attends the dances. When Mr. Weatherbee ends up going to the dance, Archie tries to avoid him.; Betty and Veronica compete to be drum majorettes at a football game.; Archie works a fortune booth at a carnival and tells a pretty girl that she will meet a handsome young man on the golf course with red hair the next day. The following day, Archie becomes a caddy and tries to find the girl.; Archie tries to get Lana Lamarr attend the bond rally, but she refuses. Jughead then dresses up as Lana Lamarr to fulfill Archie's promise that Lana would appear.; Souphead reads about Native Americans and then dreams of being one.; Archie contributes to the war effort by lending Oscar to the Wags. A few months later, Oscar is kicked out for giving birth to puppies.; Archie speaks into a station WJZ microphone in a header over six panels with images from the issue's stories.