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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: May 1978
Country: United States
After berating Betty for sacrificing her dignity to impress a boy, Veronica must figure out how to make a play for the new local hunk without Betty finding out.; Mr. Weatherbee gets Mr. Lodge and his rival in business into a bidding war, unaware that both men think they're bidding on different items.; Betty enters her cat, Suzie, into a contest to pick a date for cat food spokes-model Boris The Cat, for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii. Veronica also enters her cat, Beatrice, just for the pride of winning. Pulling for Veronica, Reggie puts in the fix.; Betty buys a wizard hat and, to Veronica's amazement, the hat seems to be able to affect reality.; Jinx and Gigi discuss the new traffic safety measures around the school.; Miss Grundy gives Mr. Weatherbee some advice. Jughead and Archie cook for Betty and Veronica.

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