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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1958
Country: United States
Angry that the others have left her out of the plans for Archie's surprise party, Betty makes Archie think everyone but her has forgotten the date so she and Archie will celebrate alone.; Veronica gets suckered into trying to teach Mr. Weatherbee's niece how to dance, so she gets the idea of suckering Betty into taking over for her.; Veronica browbeats Archie into dating Betty all week so she'll be too exhausted to win a singing competition, clearing the way for Veronica to win.; The boys play catch with a doll, and fool the horrified girls into thinking they're tossing around a baby.; After Fred refuses to let Archie use his car, he daydreams about how the same situation might have applied to various historical figures.; Veronica lectures Betty for only wanting to talk about Archie.; Veronica's throwing a party and Archie is the only invitee.; Betty tells the audience in verse how Veronica doesn't always have the advantage over her.; Veronica advises Archie not to attend an upscale party with a fox tail dangling from his car's radio antennae.; Veronica comes home from school upset that Betty wore the same dress she did.

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