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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1960
Country: United States
Veronica says that Betty must be more demonstrative in her greetings if she wants to be noticed. Betty gets noticed by greeting the boys with a kiss, concentrating on Archie.; Jughead and Archie think women are too nosy. Betty and Veronica attempt to prove that boys are just as nosy, by giving them a locked box and saying they'll buy them dinner if they don't show any curiosity about the box for three days.; Veronica thinks she's lost her good luck charm and keeps waiting for something bad to happen. The gang tries to give her some bad luck so she'll quit worrying, but their tactics all backfire.; Betty and Veronica decide to prove that girls can go duck hunting as well as boys. They manage to shoot Archie's and Reggie's decoys and later dump the boys out of their boat.; Veronica is perfectly willing to admit she's right if Archie will admit he's wrong.; Betty swoons over movie star Hab Tunter.; Miss Grundy has been to the doctor every day this week for minor ills.; Moose thinks: a football coach has four wheels, skyscrapers are used to brush clouds away, a cartoon is a song played on a car radio, a door jamb is something you spread on bread, and an octopus is an eight-sided cat.; Miss Grundy wonders how Jughead can make so many errors on his homework.; Archie asks Moose why he goes steady with Midge.; Shrimpy uses tiny tomatoes as ammunition for his slingshot.; Shrimpy's friend is filling out an application to Vassar College.

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