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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Pals 'n' Gals
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Non-fiction, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: August 1973
Country: United States
Reggie agrees to bake a cake for Veronica so she can enter it in a school assignment just so he can watch football on her big screen TV. Then he has to figure out how to bake a cake.; Archie and Jughead lead the readers in a tour of ancient Mesopotamia.; Archie, Jughead and Betty seek to throw a scare into a neighborhood bulldog whom they consider a bully. Reggie overhears the plan and, thinking they're talking about using it against Moose, is only too happy to participate.; When Mr. Lodge leaves the mansion to escape his daugher's loud music, Veronica becomes convinced he's locked himself in the mansion's basement vault. She demands Archie open it immediately.; Jinx bluffs her way out of a dangerous situation.; Jughead borrows a dinosaur bone for science class. When he gets it home, Hot Dog thinks it's for him.; Jinx overindulges in one of her make-believe games.; Jughead claims he can skateboard around the world.; Ethel interferes with Reggie's fishing.; Mr. Lodge has a solution for Veronica's desire to be a clothes horse.; Archie tries to keep himself and Jughead from running into each other in the outfield.; Reggie bets Jughead he can't knock a bowling pin down from 200 feet away.