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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Pals 'n' Gals Double Digest Magazine
Page Count: 196
Genre: Adventure, Children, Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.69 USD; 4.39 CAD
Cover Date: July 2007
UPC: 00912846953913
Country: United States
On their way to compete in the Cryptown Annual Rock-Off, the Archies run into booby traps and roadblocks placed by their competitors, the "Deadly Duo" Freek and Weerdo.; Reggie tries to steal Sabrina away from Harvey by dropping in while she's babysitting and putting the moves on her. A few magic spells leave Reggie sitting on a cactus and kissing a dog.; Melody chases her pet bird (named "Bird") into One-Way Swamp, and the others chase after her. In the Swamp, she encounters a bog of quicksand and they encounter a hulking, headless monster.; The gang attends a medieval fair.; Sabrina takes her baby-sitting charge to the beach with her and Aunt Hilda. Once there, the child proves to be one annoyance after another for Hilda.; Archie manages to botch a million dollar deal for Mr. Lodge by proxy.; Mr. Lodge and Mr. Weatherbee dress up as Santa and an elf to give toys to hospitalized children. Unfortunately, they get mixed up with bank robbers dressed in the same fashion.; Little Ambrose tags along as Little Archie tries to catch the Perilous Pike.; Ginger is designing a cake for her father and uses the Betty/Veronica/Archie love triangle as inspiration.; Chuck and Archie show up to a store very early to get a cheap TV but find out that they are at the wrong location.; Betty and Veronica discuss the lack of male models at a boat show with Mr. Rollins.; Veronica is tired of riding in Archie's clunker.; Looking for a summer job, Betty quizzes her friends on the merits of their summer jobs, because she doesn't want to work at the Jolly Burger restaurant.; Veronica and Betty get teamed up with Dexter Andrews and Dilton at the school picnic.; Ethel gets a sci-fi makeover to attract the attention of a hot new guy, but then she's unhappy because he only seems to like her for her looks.; The gang visits the Cosmic Carnival.; Mr. Weatherbee attends a barbecue at the Lodge mansion and Archie is there to wreak havoc.; Alex is constantly beat out by Alan when competing for Josie because Alan is old-fashioned.; Josie thinks Alan and Alex are fighting over her.; Little Sabrina builds a wishing well.; Little Sabrina and her aunt vacation at the beach by trading places with some ghosts.; All the boys in town are into skateboards, and so is Betty. Veronica convinces Betty that skateboarding is unfeminine.; Jughead wins an eating contest against a Central High student.; Li'l Jinx is mad at Greg and Hap suggests she write him a letter.; Little Archie and Little Jughead wreck Mr. Lodge's new yacht.; Alexandra spots Alan on one knee and thinks he's proposing.; The Holidays are expecting guests and Hap warns Jinx not to touch the food intended for them.; Gigi turns Charley down hard.; Reggie likes cd's because he can see his reflection.; Li'l Jinx finds a new way to catch a baseball.; Space aliens come to Earth to see if there is intelligent life.; Reggie gives Maxine his surfing medal, which turns out to be fake.; Jinx sets up a competing, yet complimentary, business to the other kids' lemonade stands.; Sabrina pumps Hilda for information about her evening out.; Hilda is flying her broom and nearly gets hit by a skateboarder.; Aunt Hilda and Sabrina have a beach cookout.; Hunters shoot at Sabrina and Hilda on their brooms.

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