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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Pals 'n' Gals Double Digest Magazine
Page Count: 164
Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2015
UPC: 762816469531
Country: United States
Chuck and Archie crash into each other while water skiing at the beach. Afterwards Chuck thinks its winter time.; It's raining out so the gang individually order different "dream videos" to entertain themselves as they sleep in.; When Archie's car breaks down a photographer for the Riverdale Record takes a gag photo of Betty trying to fix it. After the photo is published the car becomes infamous. Archie decides try to profit off the car's fame.; Archie and Reggie enter into a watermelon pit spitting contest.; Archie convinces Jughead to go treasure-hunting with him.; Reggie tries to impress Betty and Veronica with his new sports car. Much to his chagrin he finds out the girls prefer Archie's Jalopy.; Aunt Hilda learns that trying to get out of gardening is more trouble than its worth.; Archie's car narrates its life story.; Archie promised both Betty that he'd be at her championship baseball game and Veronica that he'd help with a charity car wash. He ends up rushing back and forth between each of them.; Chuck keeps having dangerous accidents when working on his art.; On the way back from Hawaii, Mr. Weatherbee has to sit next to Archie on the plane.; Archie looks for a summer job.; Mr. Lodge hires The Archies to play at one of his parties. He specifically requests that they play waltzes and fox-trots.; Mr. Weatherbee is having bad luck fishing on the dock so Archie invites him to come in his boat. When the motor cuts out Mr. Weatherbee demonstrates his survival skills.; Reggie repeatedly attempts to scare Archie.; Hilda and Zelda try to sabotage Sabrina's rock 'n' roll audition.; Sabrina gets a part time job with the circus.; D.T. Slade, North High's baseball star, almost hits Chuck with a golf ball. Archie, Betty, and Chuck decide to recruit Jinx Malloy to sabotage him.; Valerie tells the other girls about the history of the guitar and other musical instruments.; Each member of the band goes on a separate vacation to blow off steam.; Archie promises Veronica he'll refrain from making puns for the rest of the day.; Archie and his male friends talk about what they like most about the summer.; Midge wants Moose to dance.; Moose sees someone stealing Reggie's car so Moose writes down the license plate number.; Archie pranks Reggie with a two-way mirror at the Chok'lit Shoppe.; A door-to-door salesman wants to sell Sabrina new locks for her house.

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