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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Pals 'n' Gals Double Digest Magazine
Page Count: 196
Genre: Adventure, Children, Humor, Satire-parody, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.19 USD; 3.69 CAD
Cover Date: May 2000
UPC: 07189646953048
Country: United States
Little Archie and his dad go to a wrestling match and Fred gets dragged into the ring.; Moose tries several different art mediums and can't quite get the hang of them, until he tries performance art.; Reggie hires people to act like his fan club, to impress the other band members. Of course, something goes wrong with the scheme.; After handing out detentions all day, Mr. Weatherbee is forced to serve detention duty when no other staff is available.; Archie is sentenced to cleaning off a doodle he made on a math book and does so well that Mr. Weatherbee asks him to clean doodles off a report due at the superintendent's office.; Little Archie directs a slapstick comedy using Little Veronica's movie camera, and Mr. Weatherbee makes an unscheduled appearance.; Little Archie tries to join the school band, playing the bass drum, but ruins two drums and gets Mr. Weatherbee in trouble with the mayor.; Reggie tries a dirty trick so he can move from understudy to star of a school play, but Sabrina foils his plans.; Archie and Dilton go back in time to try to rescue Mr. Weatherbee's romance with Gwen, but end up nearly ruining the romance between Archie's parents.; Archie gets a riddle to solve from Mr. Tinker and investigates an old house based on the riddle. He ends up staying overnight in the house when a door jams shut.; The school board installs a computer assistant principal which goes haywire when Svenson causes a power surge. The computer recommends that Archie's ideas on school organization be put in place, which quickly causes havoc.; To get Archie out of the way so he can date Veronica, Reggie tries to frame Archie for vandalizing school property.; All the men join the Foreign Legion to forget about Lola. A sheik attacks the fort but is betrayed by his wife because of his relationship with Lola.; Archie helps win a volleyball game because he's been taking ballet lessons to keep him limber and light on his feet. Reggie and Moose decide to emulate him.; Chuck sells a comic strip idea using Archie and the gang as characters, on the strength of Archie making a shambles out of the editors' waiting room.; Archie sits with his artist friend's spot in a mall and ends up trying to draw a girl's caricature.; Archie stays overnight to test Walter, a voice-activated computer servant Dilton has installed in a new house. Archie and Walter do not get along well.; Mr. Weatherbee is showing someone around the school and demonstrates how he keeps out of the hallways when Archie is in them.; Betty gives some money to a panhandler and Reggie is sure he's a phoney. Later, circumstances put Reggie in a position to ask for money.; Betty tells of her lifelong desire to write professionally, Miss Grundy's help, and her eventual first sale of a story.; Alexander explains his black eye as the result of an encounter with spies, but no one buys his story.; Coach Clayton shows Archie and Chuck how to do little things to stay fit on their way home from school, prompting Mr. Weatherbee to think the Coach cannot leave work behind.; Sabrina gives her eyedrops to Eyeda to use, with disastrous results.; Archie discovers the connection between Mr. Tinker and the old house, and stages a charity dance to help Mr. Tinker.; Archie is always pressed for time and fatigued, until Betty invites him over for fresh cookies.; Moose cannot figure out a puzzle toy that Archie has, and Reggie belittles him for it... until Reggie fails too.; Even when playing in the snow, Greg can't get his mind off baseball.; Mrs. Andrews calls in that Archie is sick and Mr. Weatherbee celebrates.; Dilton can't take a hint when his date says she's cold.; Fred is going off a diet.; Archie surprises Reggie from behind a one-way mirror.; Charley is having difficulty learning to ice skate.; Archie's mom discusses how she met her husband.; The kids go a little too fast on Little Archie's new toboggan.; Archie is having trouble finding what college to apply to.; Jughead cautions that opening umbrellas in the house is bad luck... until he sees what happens to Archie.; Sabrina identifies a radio station's mystery tune...before they play it.; Jughead demonstrates an unusual way to share a pizza.; Mr. Lodge is not scared of any of the displays at the Wax Museum of Monsters...until Archie shows up.; Moose doesn't hit a man when he's down... he picks him up first.; Svenson cautions another janitor to stay away from the school doors at dismissal time.; Veronica makes it a point to shop for clothes somewhere Betty doesn't.; Mr. Lodge gets Veronica a job delivering newspapers but has to fill in when she's sick.; Archie and Betty make a snowman in Mr. Weatherbee's image, and he admires it becoming thinner by melting.; Archie forgets to return his library book "How to Improve Your Memory."; Melody brings beets to a recording session.

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