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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Astonishing X-Men
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.05 CAD
Cover Date: January 2008
UPC: 75960605543202311
Country: United States
Aghanne and Dafi discuss news that one of the X-Men is dead and their worries about their plans. The remaining X-Men and S.W.O.R.D. split up to head to their next targets. Kruun revives Cyclops to interrogate him while Armor gets herelf and Wolverine captured by trying to rescue some civilians, Beast and Agent Brand further analyze the prophecy, and Shadowcat and Colossus bring Aghanne into the action. Emma reestablishes contact with Scott as Beast and Brand reveal that the prophecy is recent, and reads more like a plan. We then find out that all of this, including Cyclops, Wolverine and Armor's capture was planned telepathically just before Cyclops left the larger ship. Also, Scott's powers work just fine as he demonstrates by blasting Kruun and tearing a huge hole in the roof of his tower, summoning the rest of the X-Men to him for the final attack.