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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1963
Country: United States
Batman undergoes a test simulation for a situation that astronauts may one day face alone in outer space, and during that simulation he sees Robin dies. After the test is over, Batman faces the terrible side-effects of his simulation, believing that Robin will actually die, and it so complicates his fight against crime, he decides to retire!; After Batman announces that he is going away on a secret Government mission, a pint-sized crime fighter by the name of Ant-Man pops up to help him out, but the Boy Wonder wrongly guesses that it is Batman in disguise.; Batman undergoes a test simulation for a situation that astronauts may one day face alone in outer space, and during that simulation he sees Robin dies. After the test is over, Batman faces the terrible side-effects of his simulation, believing that Robin will actually die, and it so complicates his fight against crime, he decides to retire!