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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 84
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: May 1966
Country: United States
Batman and Robin must face the danger created by a man who can control the elements.; Batman is lured into a trap and supposedly dies in an explosion. Batman appears to be replaced by a robot. Although Robin pretends to believe it, he actually knows that the Caped Crusader is laying his own trap for a wanted felon.; The Dynamic Duo are affected by strange gases, making Robin much older and making Batman more youthful. Robin, now the adult member of the team, must try to control his youthful partner's rashness while tracking down the criminal responsible for the change.; Batman and Robin fall victim, like others, to a mad scientist who has found a way to reduce humans to pigmy size!; A freak accident to Dick Grayson forces Batman into the uncomfortable position of having to wear different colors of Batman uniforms to keep people from noticing the injury also affects Robin the Boy Wonder!; During a tussle with the Joker, the pair step under and are bathed in "epsilon rays," which have the effect of transferring the personality of one person to that of the other.