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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Detective-mystery, Humor, Military, Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1944
Country: United States
Bruce Wayne is sent back to the time of the ancient Romans and runs afoul of a high official as Batman, so Robin must also make the journey back to help the Caped Crusader get out of the jam he is in.; The Caped Crusaders must save the people of Yonville from a gold swindle, but they have to break out of jail to accomplish it!; Bruce Wayne allows himself to come under investigation by the District Attorney for juggling the books in order to ferret out a clever gang that, for a price, makes wealthy suspicious men like Wayne to "disappear" from prosecution.; Alfred attends a Police line-up in order to sharpen his visual recognition skills, something that nearly backfires on him.