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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Detective-mystery, Humor, Military, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1945
Country: United States
Adam Frank has a fetish about being "the first" in everything he does, and when things don't work out to his advantage, he decides to turn to crime.; When the local postman is wounded in a chase involving the Caped Crusaders, Batman takes over the job for a day and learns of the kidnapping of a man by the Scuttler, who has committed the crime in order to get a registered letter which will reveal information about an invention worth millions.; Two private detectives are down in the dumps because they are flat broke, even though they have great detective abilities. When they hear that the Wayne Mansion has been robbed, they decide to change their tactics and investigate, disguised as Batman and Robin!; A group of criminals have targeted a rich place to rob, but it is so well guarded that they find it difficult to get in the place. Then they get an idea: one of them will be trained as a butler, who'll work as an inside man.....and Alfred is chosen as the one to train him!