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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1955
Country: United States
A visiting royal dignitary visiting Gotham City gets an unexpected role he never expected: to play the role of Batman while the real Caped Crusader looks for a wanted felon. Unfortunately for Batman, the King doesn't want to give up that role once he gets it!; Bruce Wayne has been invited on a 3-day reunion cruise with some of his old college athletic team chums. But joy turns to fear when their host not only discovers Batman's true identity, but threatens to kill each and every one of them with planted mines.; During Fire Prevention Week, Batman and Robin are asked to join the Fire Department, and, in doing so, uncovers a smuggling ring, and asks the Fire Department to assist them in stopping it.