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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 100
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: October 1973
Country: United States
A new and unusual villain makes him presence known by stealing from the Batman: his Batmobile, Bat-a-Rang, and Bat-Boat, yet Batman can not figure out WHY he would do such a thing.; The recent rash of unsolved robberies in Gotham City spurs Man-Bat to come out of retirement.; The Batman and Robin must track down The Witch, a mysterious figure responsible for the murder of Erik Dorne and the theft of a manuscript he wrote.; A private detective petitions Batman and the other members of the pretigeous "Bullet Hole Club" to become a member----even if he has to purposely put himself in the way of bodily harm to do it!; In this imaginary story, penned by Alfred, trusted butler of Bruce Wayne, the Second Batman & Robin team run up against the Son of the Joker!; A long-time veteran of the Gotham City Police Department is about to be retired, when Batman suggests that he be put in charge of the Bat-Signal.; Luke Graham needs the help of Robin the Teen Wonder to convince his college professor that a report he prepared on the Chinese iron industry was not plagiarized.