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Publisher: Archie
Title: Betty and Me
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: August 1977
Country: United States
Betty gets separated from the group as they arrive in Hollywood to take in the sights. She is then offered a ride by an eccentric actor named Conrad Kooke, who thinks Betty is his long lost love Beverly Hill. Archie, Jughead, and Veronica then split up to find Betty.; Archie takes over the director's role. Veronica kisses the dummy under some hot lights, which causes it to melt. Veronica of course thinks it's because of her. Jughead frees an annoyed Betty, who dumps Archie into a nearby pool. And they all lived happily ever after.; While Betty is being forced to dress and act with Conrad Kooke -- who still thinks Betty is Beverly Hill -- Veronica finds a wax dummy of an cowboy actor she loved as a young girl named Steele Woole. Archie gets a lead on Betty's whereabouts and boards a tour bus to get there, talking to himself the entire time. After being thrown out of the wax museum, Veronica showers the owner with cash and takes the dummy with her.; As Conrad has Betty dress in another of Beverly's costumes, Archie arrives at Conrad's house. But rather than rescue Betty, Archie gets caught up in Conrad's movie making, much to Betty's dismay. Jughead steals a bike after learning where Betty is, and the kid whose bike he stole tells Veronica -- still carting her Steele Woole wax dummy -- where Jughead is headed. Jughead, Veronica and Steele arrive at Conrad's house. Conrad is pleased that Steele -- an old friend of his -- has decided to join his film making.; Charley is bringing an apple to his teacher -- but the apple has a worm in it.