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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1946
Country: United States
The recently discharged Cap resumes his public school teaching job and administers corporal punishment to a kid named Snipe the first day who hits him with a spitwad. Snipe empties his pockets and reveals a bottle of perfume. The other kids make fun of him, but it turns out crooks are using kids to sell perfume bottles that act as timed incendiary grenades so that they can dress as firemen and rob the places that the fires break out in. Cap and Bucky put a stop to this scheme with the help of Snipe who isn't pleased to learn that he's been made a patsy by a bunch of crooks. Cap thinks Snipe has been cured of his mischief making when he gives him an apple the next day, but it turns out to have a worm in it.

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