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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Detective-mystery, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1947
Country: United States
A prison has scheduled executions and their power has been tampered with by the Red Skull so they send for an electrician. The Red Skull disguises himself as an electrician and slips the condemned criminals notes to be ready to make a break for it. He asks the warden if he is afraid to sit in the electric chair as it is said to be bad luck and the warden obliges him by sitting in the chair. The Red Skull snaps him in and demands the prisoners be set free. He makes his escape and the warden calls in Cap and Bucky. Cap lassos the back of the Skull's power boat and he and Bucky use his shield to hydroplane behind them. Cap pulls himself up but can't get past the prop, so he jams the rudder into it, and the Skull crashes into the bottom of a dam. He works his way up to the top of it and Cap socks him off. Cap wonders if this time the Red Skull is really dead.