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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Crime, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1941
Country: United States
Cap and Bucky, along with the Sentinels of Liberty face an arch villain who uses his camera that fires poisoned needles at anyone who stands in his way of securing the Crown Jewels arriving in America from England.; Cap and Bucky get on a merry-go-round on intrigue and murder in order to find the supposed murderer of a Dr. Vardoff, who has created a single strand of silken thread as strong as steel.; Cap and Bucky battle against the evil Fang and Baron Nushima, who seek to prevent two emissaries from China from obtaining money loans from the American government.; Hurricane is traveling the streets of New York seeking lodging for the night, but a small girl warns him not to seek a room at a near-by boarding house since two mysterious murders have occurred there.; Because he was delayed by crooks guilty of a crime, Larry Scott's father dies for that crime, and so he decides to make time also work for the forces of law and order...as Father Time!; While searching for a story on the outskirts of London, Jerry Hunter runs across a mysterious factory, where a secret weapon is supposedly being produced. Knowing that the owner was a former Fascist, he investigates the place and discovers it to be a Nazi stronghold.