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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Detective-mystery, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1944
Country: United States
Cap and Bucky are in India to deal with a Dacoit cult of assassins lead by a beautiful Japanese woman impersonating an Indian princess named Kali. She tries to distract Steve Rogers by swooning into his arms while her assassins attempt to strangle the American secretary, but they fail when they kill the man's assistant instead. Kali makes a break for it, and Cap and Bucky realize that the killers were following her orders. They track her to a temple where the cult practices human sacrifices and Kali recognizes Cap as the handsome soldier who held her earlier. She has fallen hard for him and offers him the rule of India with her when her Japanese masters are victorious. When he spurns her advances, she kills herself upon the altar and her followers choose to perish in the temple flames that have broken out in the fighting rather than escape.

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